Ethical Leadership Dilemmas for School Teachers Amid Socio-Political And Economic Turbulences In Four Zimbabwean Schools


  • BERNARD CHINGWANANGWANA Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University Author


primary and secondary schools, school leadership, education district


This qualitative study explores unethical practices by teachers amid turbulent socio-political and economic environments in Zimbabwean schools. The study was conducted in four Zimbabwean schools in Marondera Education District. The study data were generated through focus group interviews, documents review and semi-structured interviews. The findings suggest that ethical practices in schools are very difficult, if not impossible, during turbulent socio-political and economic environments, like in Zimbabwe currently. The study establishes that a turbulent socio-political and economic environment compromises ethical practices as it facilitates incessant teacher unpunctuality and absenteeism due to private businesses, late payment of salaries and bonuses, the mounting cash crisis in banks, political violence against teachers, a collapse of the educational funding systems and learner deteriorating behaviour at schools, amongst others. Whenever there are two competing issues, one is bound to be outweighed, in the case of this study, ethical leadership is pitied against survival of the school personnel survival before ethical behaviour, creating dilemmas for the school heads and teachers. It has emerged, in this study, that the way forward is to deal with the turbulences that are pushing the educational practitioners to the cliff edge, hence restoring calm on the education flight.

Author Biography

  • BERNARD CHINGWANANGWANA, Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University

    Dr Bernad Chingwanangwana, holder of PhD in educational leadership (Witwatersrand), born in Zimbabwe, South Africa Permanent resident, currently doing a post-Doctoral fellowship, University of Venda, on leave of absence from Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University, a senior lecturer there. Has been in education for over 35 years from being a high school teacher, head and university lecturer and administrator. Has published over fifteen articles on educational leadership and management and accredited journals. His speciality and research interest is ethical leadership in schools, ubuntu and decoloniality. He has written extensively on school leadership in times of turbulence 





How to Cite

Ethical Leadership Dilemmas for School Teachers Amid Socio-Political And Economic Turbulences In Four Zimbabwean Schools. (2024). Futures: The Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University Journal of Leadership, Governance and Development, 1(1 & 2).